This is the extension round for the third quarter of 2016. Again I picked a couple of TYPO3 extensions, which are IMHO worth a look. The extension publishing activity speeded up in the last weeks, so it it hard to find a good selection. If you want to see a specific extension in this list, please drop me a note and will consider your suggestion.
But read on for my current picks:
Social Publisher (EXT:social_autopublish)
Social Publisher is an alternative to services like buffer or hootsuite. It is used to publish your typo3 pages into different social media services like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Xing on a single click.
It would be nice, if the extension would support other extensions like tx_news, allow other social media services or provide the possibility for scheduled publishing.
Version: 1.0.1
TYPO3 Compatibility: 6.2.0 – 7.6.99
Publication date: July 11th, 2016
Author: PIT Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Mask Export (EXT:mask_export)
Mask is a “layout extension“ with which you can create your own content elements and page layouts without programming skills, say the authors. The extension „mask_export“ enables you to export your elements as an extension. Having the content elements in an extension they can be reused in other installations too.
Version: 0.4.1
TYPO3 Compatibility: 7.6.0 – 8.3.99
Publication date: July 11th, 2016
Author: Nicole Cordes (@IchHabRecht)
Make BE user password really secure (EXT:be_secure_pw)
You can set password conventions to force secure passwords for BE users. Also it is possible to remind the backend users of updating / changing their passwords on a scheduled basis.
Version: 7.0.6
TYPO3 Compatibility: 6.2.0 – 7.99.99
Publication date: July 08, 2016
Author: Thomas Löffler (@spooner_web)
„Login as“ for Frontend Logins (EXT:cabag_loginas)
There are situation where you like to test the frontend with a special user. If you do not have the credentials, this extension enables you to start a frontend session using the selected user.
Version: 2.0.3
TYPO3 Compatibility: 6.2.0 – 7.99.99
Publication date: July 28, 2016
Author: Marco Rosenberg
„FAL Recycler for TYPO3 6.2“ (EXT:fal_recycler)
Somewhen while the developing FAL for TYPO3, the recycler functionality for files in a TYPO3 installation got lost. Unfortunately it is not difficult to resurrect it again. This extension does it for TYPO3 6.2LTS. Younger versions provide this again out of the box.
Version: 1.1.6
TYPO3 Compatibility: 6.2.0 – 6.2..99
Publication date: July 27, 2016
Authors: Dominque Kreemers (@domi202), Marcus Schwemer (@MarcusSchwemer)
„Secure Downloads“ (EXT:secure_downloads)
With “Secure Downloads” it is possible to prevent direct access to any file based assets. It is configured completely in the TYPO3 Extension Manager. Internal TYPO3 frontend permissions are used to evaluate the access rights. This extension is the official successor of the well known „naw_securedl“ extension.
Version: 2.0.3
TYPO3 Compatibility: 6.2.0 – 7.99.99
Publication date: July 28, 2016
Authors: Florian Wessels, Helmut Hummel (@helhum), Alexander Schaper
„Clear cache clickmenu items“ (EXT:sm_clearcachecm)
This extension adds two additional items to the clickmenu in the pagetree to clear the cache. You can clear the cache of the current page. The second option is to clear the page cache of a whole branch. Especially the last possibility is new to TYPO3, as it is only possible to clear all page caches or the cache of just a single page.
Version: 7.6.0
TYPO3 Compatibility: 6.2.0 – 7.99.99
Publication date: April 08, 2016
Author: Steffen Müller (
I hope that this compilation of new and updated was helpful for you. As already said in the beginning: If you have any recommendations for extensions, which should be listed here, please don’t hesitate to drop me an note in the comments, via Twitter or email. I will consider it for the next round.
The picture was taken from Pixabay. Thanks to the photographer Graylion.