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TYPO3 8LTS released : Important Changes

April 4th was the release date of TYPO3 CMS 8LTS, the next long time support version of TYPO3. Because there were not much features and breaking changes included as in the last versions, I compiled some slides for the LTS release.

After the last two sprint releases I published a compilation of the twelve main changes, which hit TYPO3. Because there was a feature freeze and a stabilization phase not that much brand new and shiny things hit the public.

Frontend Editing

The feature, which did not make it into the TYPO3 8LTS release as expected, is the frontend editing. This was crowdfunded and promised at the very beginning of the development of TYPO3 8. But it turned out, that it was not that stable at last, to be integrated into the TYPO3 core.

On the one hand there is a certain disappointment, that this did not make it into the core. On the other hand, this decision has the advantage that bugfixes can hit the public outside the normal TYPO3 release cycle.

The slides

On tuesday, April 4th 2017, we had our regular meeting of the Munich TYPO3 UserGroup. I prepared some slides for the meetup. I give an overview over the main changes since the last LTS release.

Coming home after the event, I realized that a complete section of updates is missing. This is due to the use of the Fluid standalone package. I did not have a look into it, but I promise to deliver a blog post about that. Another under represented part is the language handling. There is already a blog post in the making.

Getting the slides

Currently the slides are available via this blog or you can clone or download them via github.

Ready to run

The “Ready to Run” slides are available via the URL /presentation/2017-04-04_mtug_typo3cms8lts/#/.

From there you can start right away with your presentation. Using the arrow keys, you can navigate through the slides.

If you want to do a presentation with a second screen, open the mentioned URL on your local computer. Then press “S” for the “speaker notes”, move the main presentation window to the presentation screen and press “F”. The presentation screen is now in full screen mode. You can still navigate with the arrow keys.

Github repo

In case you want to enrich the presentation or fix errors, you can head over to the source code of these slides. They are available on Github. Contributions and enhancements are very welcome.

Other slide sources

To be honest ;-) … my slides for the Munich TYPO3 User Group are not the only ones, around in the world. Here are some more by other community members


After 18 months of active development the TYPO3 8LTS release was published on April 04th 2017. It is a great release which makes really fun to work with!

Thanks to all of the contributors to make it happen! Now let’s party, use it happily and head all together for version 9LTS :-)

I also want to that my company in2code GmbH, who sponsored the work time on the slides!

I hope, that the presentation is interesting to you. If so or if you know somebody, who could profit from it, please share this post via your favorite social network. For convenience I added some share buttons at the end of this page.

The blog post image is from Thanks to the unknown creator.

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