TYPO3 Reading List :: Issue 02 – 2018
Since the last edition of the TYPO3 reading list, many things happened in the TYPO3 world and around. The topics this time are about TYPO3, Agile, Development and Security. (more…)
Since the last edition of the TYPO3 reading list, many things happened in the TYPO3 world and around. The topics this time are about TYPO3, Agile, Development and Security. (more…)
TypoScript is the configuration language of TYPO3. It is (especially in the beginning) hard to understand and to get the big picture, how it works. In this post I will try to shed some light on it and will help to understand whats happening.
The first two layers of the TYPO3 performance onion where about quite common topics valid for every website: (browser) caching and frontend optimization. The next skin level is about TYPO3 rendering and what TYPO3 integrators can do for the performance of the website.
After eight months, about 1200 commits later and many many hard coding hours the first sprint release TYPO3 version 9 was released on December 12th 2017. Six weeks later the next sprint release 9.1 was published on January, 30th. Both contain 56 deprecations, 71 new features, 76 breaking and 21 important changes. I will try to shed some light on these changes in this post.