Since the last edition of the TYPO3 reading list, many things happened in the TYPO3 world and around. The topics this time are about TYPO3, Agile, Development and Security.
TYPO3 — Pre-Launch
The first link is not really a reading recommendation, but a sneak preview to the new an fresh website. Many thanks to all involved community members. All work was done on a voluntary basis.
Website preview:
Official announcement:
Software testing the TYPO3 core
Each commit to the TYPO3 core is tested on several levels. Some days ago pre-merge test number 20.000 was run. Christian Kuhn wrote a wrap up about it here:
State of Education and Certification
About 100 days ago the lead in the education and certification team changed. Marc Willmann, the new lead, had look back what happened since then:
TYPO3 Developer Days 2018: Call for sessions
This year the TYPO3 Developer will take place in Düsseldorf from June 21st to 24th. The call for papers is already open. If you have already a proposal, don’t hesitate and submit it!
Composer, TYPO3 and the subtree split
Each system extension is now available as a separate composer package. Daniel Goerz wrote an article about the impacts for TYPO3 development.
Void — Value-Oriented Incremental Delivery
Since some weeks I have the headline “Agile !== Scrum” in my mind. The motivation of this post is the same, which drives my thoughts about my headline:
Getting into DevOps
Another agile topic is DevOps. The next two contributions (also from the ThoughtWorks folks) shed some light on it and what it is all about:
DevOps Topologies
There are several (mis-)conceptions, what DevOps is about. This website shows the variety of (anti-)types and practices, which can be found in the wild:
Write robust client side javascript
Nearly no website can be run without javascript. The more complex the javascript gets, the more error-prone and fragile it might get. This is a guide, how to cope with this challenge:
Front-End Performance Checklist
Website performance is always a topic. The Smashing Mag published a frontend performance checklist for the upcoming year:
Why ORM has failed
In TYPO3 there is something like an ORM, called Extbase. This post questions, whether an ORM is still the right approach:
Seven git personalities
Using git? Then this is for you … you might probably recognize yourself or a colleague, within these “personalities”, but don’t take it too serious …
Pwned Passwords Service
Many services were breached in the last years and many passwords were leaked to the public. With the project “Have I Been Pwned” Troy Hunt collected publicly available passwords and build a service to check passwords against them:
Credit card harvesting made easy
This post shows how easy it is to create a not suspicious npm library, which contains malicious code and to make it used by others. Do you know, what all xx MB of npm libraries do on your site? Read more on:
I hope, that one or more recommendations have been interesting for you. If so or if you know somebody, who could profit from it, please share this post via your favorite social network.
Thanks to my new patreon Markus (Teddai) Wagner. who started the sponsoring in the last week.
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I found the blog post image on pixabay . It was published by Hans Braxmeier under the CC0 public domain license. It was modified by myself using pablo on buffer.