TYPO3 Marketplace: Features and Funding

Since the start of “TYPO3 Inc.” (aka TYPO3 GmbH) creating the TYPO3 marketplace is one of the hot topics. It should / will be a one – stop platform for all services and products around TYPO3. Due to much (unexpected) work, the fellows at TYPO3 did not find the time to start the project. So a initiative was started by three agencies to fund and develop it independently. (more…)


Patch TYPO3 and Extensions using Composer

From time to time there might the requirement that a feature or a bugfix should be available prior to an official release or should be backported to a legacy version of TYPO3. If you are still not using composer, after reading this post, you might really consider doing so. But now, let’s see how it works. (more…)


TYPO3 Extension Roundup Q1 + Q2 – 2017

This is the fifth issue of the TYPO3 extension roundup. Due to the long period covered the number of mentioned extensions is slightly higher than in the last issues. Additionally the release of TYPO3 8LTS increased the number of updated extensions further, which made it quite hard to choose the candidates. Read on for my selection for the first and second quarter of 2017. (more…)