Friends of TYPO3 01: Tomas Norre Mikkelsen
Wouldn’t it be cool to enable editors to use standard or custom content elements in your extensions? The consequence is that you do not have to develop each and every functionality again. In this post I will show you, how you can use all available content elements of your installation. (more…)
Usually you develop your stuff locally and want to test the SSL encrypted stuff part too. With out a valid certificate, you always have to confirm the security dialogs, whether you are sure that you want to proceed. That annoys me each time. Furthermore you do not see, whether you have a problem with “mixed content”. In this article a show you how you can use „Let’s encrypt” certificates on localhost. (more…)
With TYPO3 V7 the layout and handling of the Save – Button was changed. This lead to many (not ending) discussions in the TYPO3 community. As a follow-up some extensions were developed in order to change this. In this post I will show you the current alternatives and what my wish is for TYPO3 core. (more…)
One of the most hidden, but useful, features of TYPO3 is IMHO the file recycler. Yes, there is a recycle bin for files in the module “Filelist”. It is there since „ages“. I will show you the history of the feature, how to activate it in current releases and how to it resurrect for TYPO3 6.2.x. (more…)